Dashboard: Collections

If you opt to include any certificate collections for display on the dashboard (see Certificate Collection Management), you will see the data on the Collections dashboard panel. This panel shows a bar representing the total number of active, expired and revoked certificates for each certificate collection configured for dashboard display. Hover over a bar to see the number of certificates in the collection. Click on a bar to open the certificate search page in a new window filtered for that certificate collection.

The collections dashboard widget will only display 25 collections. By default, the first 25 collections are included and displayed in the order in which they were created. Click the Hide button to minimize the display. Click the panel Settings icon to remove or rename the panel or change the collection order for the display (see Dashboard). To change the order of the collections displayed in the panel, click the panel Settings icon and choose Edit. In the Edit dialog, select each collection and choose Move Up, Move Down, Move to Bottom, or Move to Top as needed. The collection shown at the top of the list will appear at the far left of the panel. Only collections that have been configured to Show on Dashboard will appear in the Edit dialog. The order you configure for the collections is specific to your view of the dashboard and does not apply to the view of other users.

Figure 14: Edit the Dashboard Certificate Collections Order

Tip:  If you Save a new certificate collection, or Save a change to an existing certificate collection, that change will be immediately reflected in the collection data used to display certificate collections on dashboards and reports. The data used by the dashboards and reports is stored in an intermediate table that is updated immediately. It will also continue to be updated periodically (approximately every 20 minutes by default as configured by the Dashboard Collection Caching Interval application setting) by the Keyfactor Command Service (see Application Settings: Console Tab).

Figure 15: Dashboard Certificate Collections